Top 100 “Kids & Family” podcast in iTunes!
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The “Heathy Births, Happy Babies” podcast is produced by our very own, Dr. Jay Warren. On each episode, he interviews experts that share helpful information about how to feel safe, supported and empowered during your pregnancy and birth.
There discussions about pregnancy issues, prenatal care, natural childbirth, post-partum care and pediatric care with popular birth educators such as Dr. Capetanakis, Care Messer, Anna Verwaal, Dr. Michel Odent, Dr. Sarah Buckley, Penny Simkin, Barbara Harper, Dr. Harvey Karp and Dr. Bruce Lipton, Dr. Bob Sears and many others.
Podcast episodes: (or see a list of the podcast episodes by CATEGORY):
- 123: Self-Care for Dads | Dr. Jay Warren
- 122: Mike Dooley: Reading Books to Your Children | Dreams Come True & Your Magical Life
- 121: 7 Ways Dads Can Best Support Moms During Postpartum | Dr. Jay Warren
- 120: 9 Ways Dads Can Best Support Moms During Pregnancy | Dr. Jay Warren
- 119: The Power of Telling Your Birth Story | Bryn Huntpalmer from The Birth Hour Podcast
- 118: Climb Out of the Darkness 2018: Raising Awareness of Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders
- 117: The ACE Study: How Early Childhood Traumas Can Affect Your Physical & Emotional Health as an Adult | Dr. Marti Glenn
- 116: Pediatric Alphabet Soup Disorders-ADHD,ASD,LD,SPD | Dr. Drew Rubin
- 115: Prenatal Bonding: Strengthening the Mother-Child Connection Before Birth | Dr. Jay Warren
- 114: Temper Tantrums-A New Way to Look at Them (and Your Child) | Tracy Gillett
- 113: On Parenthood: Children’s Phases, “This Too Shall Pass” | Dr. Jay Warren
- 112: Prenatal Yoga & the Benefits You Never Thought of Before | Deb Flashenberg
- 111: Podcast 111: Bedtime Routines, Napstrikes, Night Awakenings & Other Toddler Sleep Issues | Jen Varela
- 110: Mother-Child Communication During Pregnancy, Labor & Birth | Karen Strange
- 109: Tips for Navigating Picky Eating with Your Kids | Sarah Bester
- 108: Restoring Our Children’s Health Naturally | Dr. Dan Bronstein, KiddoCast Podcast
- 107: Postpartum & the Elephant in the Room | Kimberly Johnson, 4th Trimester Book
- 106: Using the Power of Creativity for a Powerful Birth | Alexis Cohen
- 105: The Importance of Your Birth Story | Jaime Fleres
- 104: Parenting as a Calm, Loving Leader | Marcy Axness, Parenting for Peace
- 103: Recovering from a Difficult Birth | Kate White, APPPAH
- 102: Healthy Organic Baby Food with Little Spoon | Michelle Muller
- 101: Pelvic Floor Rehab after C-section | Dr. Dawn Andalon
- 100: Amy Morin: 13 Things Mentally Strong Parents Don’t Do
- 099: Jen Kamel of VBAC Facts: What You Should Know When Considering a VBAC
- 098: Stress & Depression’s Effect on Your Baby During Pregnancy and Beyond | Dr. Catherine Monk
- 097: Dr. Bruce Lipton: What You Teach Your Child in the First Few Years Lasts a Lifetime
- 096: Tummy Time & Why It’s So Important for Your Baby | Michelle Emanuel
- 095: On Parenthood: Am I Doing a Good Job as a Parent? | Dr. Jay Warren
- 094: Your Hormones and the Miracles in First Hour After Birth | Dr. Sarah Buckley
- 093: On Parenthood: Acknowledging Our Children’s Emotions | Dr. Jay Warren
- 092: The Good Dad Project with Larry Hagner
- 091: On Parenthood: Ask A LOT of Questions | Dr. Jay Warren
- 090: Perinatal Mood & Anxiety Disorders Support at The Motherhood Center | Paige Bellenbaum
- 089: Alex Charfen on “Defending Brilliance”: Your Child’s Unique Learning Style and Conflicts with the Modern Educational System
- 088: On Parenthood: Taking Time for Yourself | Dr. Jay Warren
- 087: Myths & Truths about Plus Size Pregnancy | Bianca & Natasha of bebo mia
- 086: On Parenthood: Those First Few Days & Weeks, a Reality Check | Dr. Jay Warren
- 085: Building Healthy Humans, the Prenatal Wellness Book by Dr. Pia Martin
- 084: The Lost Art of Natural Parenting | Tracy Gillett of RaisedGood.com
- 083: Part 4-We’re Having a Baby, Naturally! | Amanda & HR’s Pregnancy Journey at Cap Wellness
- 082: Creating Balance in Your Pregnancy & Parenthood with Bailey Gaddis, the Feng Shui Mommy
- 081: On Parenthood: Being Up All Night | Dr. Jay Warren
- 080: Common Ailments of Infants & What You Can Do For Them | Jonathan Evans, Osteopath
- 079: Dr. Jay Warren: On Fatherhood-How Being a Dad Has Changed Me
- 078: Using Meditation During Pregnancy | Anna Gannon, Expectful.com
- 077: The Truth About Prenatal Exercise | Farel Hruska, Fit4Mom Global Fitness Director
- 076: Starting Solids: Tips for Raising a Healthy Eater Instead of a Picky Eater | Sarah Bester
- 075: Pure Nurture: a Holistic Guide to a Healthy Baby | Kristy Rodriguez
- 074: Fertility, Acupuncture & Creating Fertile Ground| Maring Higa
- 073: Dr. Harvey Karp: The Happiest Baby on the Block
- 072: Why Sex is So Hard After Baby | Kimberly Johnson
- 071: In Utero: the Movie-the Impact of the Prenatal Environment | Kathleen Man Gyllenhaal
- 070: Helping Your Baby Sleep Through the Night | Jen Varela
- 069: What is “Floating” and How it Can Help During Pregnancy | Kirsten Gerrish & Lena Kilic
- 068: The Do’s & Don’ts of Postpartum Exercise | Lisa Druxman
- 067: Breastfeeding Made Simple with Nancy Mohrbacher
- 066: Natural Remedies for Earaches | Willow Buckley
- 065: Your Baby, Your Way with Dr. Jennifer Margulis
- 064: The Facts & Myths about Circumcision | Dr. Adrienne Carmack, Urologist
- 063: The Beauty of Waterbirth with Barbara Harper
- 062: Unassisted Childbirth: What it Takes to Do It Yourself | Laura Shanley
- 061: Prenatal Massage for a Healthy and Comfortable Pregnancy | Carole Osborne
- 060: Dr. Stuart Fischbein: Pregnancy is NOT a Disease That Needs to be Treated Medically
- 059: The Baby Book by Dr. Sears | Book Review by Dr. Jay Warren
- 058: Be a Better Dad by Being a Better YOU | Dr. Scott Vatcher, Wake Up Dad Show
- 057: The Myths and the Facts about Tongue Tie and Lip Tie | Dr. Alison Hazelbaker
- 056: Depression in New Mothers: Realities & Solutions | Dr. Kathleen Kendall-Tackett
- 055: The Vaccine Friendly Plan with Co-Authors Dr. Paul Thomas & Jennifer Margulis
- 054: The HypnoBirthing Method for a Beautiful and Peaceful Birth Experience with Dr. Vivian Keeler
- 053: Adriana Lozada of the Birthful Podcast: the Birth Partner’s Ultimate Labor Support Kit
- 052: For Dads: Intimacy after Children-You Deserve the Sex you Want | Kimberly Johnson
- 051: Postpartum Care: Necessary for the Completion of the Rite of Passage of Motherhood | Rachelle Garcia Seliga
- 050: The Secrets of the Baby Whisperer by Tracy Hogg | Book Review
- 049: Dr. Bruce Lipton: How Pregnancy Influences Your Child’s Genes | Epigenetics
- 048: Jane Chen: How a Global Community of Moms Can Save Premature Babies Around the World
- 047: Is Scar Tissue Limiting Your Post Partum Recovery? with Kimberly Johnson
- 046: Baby Boost with Acupuncture with Maring Higa
- 045: Dr. Michel Odent-Part 2: The Scientification of Love and the Birth Process
- 044: Dr. Michel Odent-Part 1: The Way Babies Are Born Changes Humanity
- 043: Penny Simkin on the Birth Parter: A Guide for Dads, Doulas and Labor Companions
- 042: Is a Home Birth with a Midwife Right for You? | Gerri Ryan
- 041: Homeopathy for Infants and Children | Willow Buckley
- 040: Part 2: We’re Having a Baby, Naturally! | a First-Time Parents’ Pregnancy Journey at Cap Wellness
- 039: Bringing Natural Birth to Military Families Abroad | Amanda Dodson
- 038: How to Choose the Right Pediatrician for your Child | Dr. Angelo Del Re
- 037: Dr. Laura Brayton | How to Overcome Type A Stress During Pregnancy
- 036: Dr. Sarah Buckley | Nature’s Hormonal Blueprint for Labor
- 035: Bouncing Back after Baby with Nutrition | Dr. Pia Martin
- 034: Raising a Healthy Family, not just a Healthy Child | Dr. David Jackson
- 033: How to Have an Amazing Hospital Birth | Dr. Capetanakis
- 032: Postpartum Recovery with Chiropractic Care | Dr. Jay Warren
- 031: Quicker Labor, Less Pain & Better Birth Outcomes with Chiropractic Care with Dr. Jay Warren
- 030: For Dads: How to Ease Your Transition into Fatherhood with Dr. Daniel Singley
- 029: Anna Verwaal: How Birth Imprints and Shapes Your Baby’s Psychological Health
- 028: The Anniversary/Gratitude Episode
- 027: Using Homeopathy in Pregnancy | Willow Buckley
- 026: Part 2: We’re Having a Baby, Naturally! | a First-Time Parents’ Pregnancy Journey at Cap Wellness
- 025: Creating Good Eaters in Children with Dr. Christine Wood
- 024: Saving Your Sex Life After Having a Baby with Kimberly Johnson
- 023: Dr. Alyssa Berlin: the AfterBirth Plan for Couples with a Newborn
- 022: Can You Heal a Prolapse? with Kimberly Johnson
- 021: What is Hypnobirthing? (and What It’s NOT) with Care Messer
- 020: Part 1: We’re Having a Baby, Naturally! | a First-Time Parents’ Pregnancy Journey at Cap Wellness
- 019: Dr. Elliot Berlin: Informed Pregnancy Project | Vaginal Breech Birth & VBAC Documentaries
- 018: Margaux Khoury & Birth.World: Creating an Online Community for Natural Birth & Parenting
- 017: Drs. Warner: Allowing Your Child to Live Up to Their Full Health Potential
- 016: Creating a Sanctuary Plan for Your Postpartum Care with Kimberly Johnson
- 015: How to Conceive Naturally & Have a Healthy Pregnancy After 30 with Willow Buckley
- 014: Dr. Jeanne Ohm: Natural Childbirth & the Webster Technique
- 013: 7 Things You Should Know About Your Newborn Baby with Jen Graham
- 012: Dr. Ogi Ressel-Health Care vs. Sick Care for Your Child & Family
- 011: How to Prevent Gestational Diabetes with Dr. Pia Martin
- 010: Pelvic Floor Issues & Sexological Bodywork with Kimberly Johnson
- 009: Twins, Triplets and More! Oh My! | Ashley Stetson | What to Expect and How to Prepare
- 008: Dr. Ryan French – A Dad’s Perspective on Birth
- 007: Natural Medicine for Children with Dr. Michelle Wolford
- 006: How to Prepare for a Successful VBAC with Dr. Capetanakis & Care Messer
- 005: The Essentials of Prenatal Nutrition with Dr. Pia Martin
- 004: Care Messer Explains Our Child Birth Class Offerings
- 003: Fertility and Acupuncture with Maring Higa LAc.
- 002: Top 10 Reasons Why Parents Bring Their Children to a Chiropractor with Dr. Jay Warren
- 001: The Importance of Birth Education with Dr. Cap & Care Messer
- 000: Why We Do What We Do For Pregnancy & Birth with Dr. Cap & Care Messer
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