by dradmin | Dec 28, 2017 | Pregnancy
Most New Year’s resolutions fail because they stem from a sense of lack and the belief that acquiring or accomplishing something we don’t already have will somehow bring us lasting happiness. They are a product of ego which will always tell us that we are not...
by dradmin | Nov 29, 2017 | Pregnancy
There are many things that we can give, the most important of which is our caring attention. When we make an effort to give our full attention and caring to another human being, it can make an amazing difference in someone’s day, and in our own. Try it. Next...
by dradmin | Nov 29, 2017 | Pregnancy
Recently I have been trying to show up in my life by posing the question to myself “what can I give today, rather than what can I get?” I like to think of myself as a self-less person who thinks of others often and gives wherever I can. But if I’m honest, I have to...
by dradmin | Nov 29, 2017 | Pregnancy
Tis the season of giving. Advertisers certainty want you to believe that giving = stuff; however, no one I know needs more stuff, especially, not my kids. Several articles have been circulating about “experiences” you can give your kids instead, or...
by dradmin | Oct 30, 2017 | Pregnancy
One of my favorite saying is: “It is not happy people who are grateful; it is grateful people who are happy.” To the very core of my being, I believe this to be true. Being grateful for the things we have, and shifting our perspective can truly lead to...