Our guest on this episode of “Healthy Births, Happy Babies” is Jonathan Evans, DO – an Australian osteopath that specializes in treating infants and children. He teaches courses online to practitioners through Kindred Academy and to parents of children through Parent Be.
In this episode, we will cover:
- how leaving a successful career in finance in London led him to find osteopathy and start working with babies in Australia
- how the most common ailments infants suffer with can be helped with simple and gentle methods
- how you yourself can learn what to look for in your baby and help them unwind this tension together without outside help
Resources mentioned in the conversation:
- Jonathan’s website: www.KindredBe.com
- Link to his Baby Health Check/Stretch course for parents: www.ParentBe.com
About Jonathan Evans, DO:
- Graduated from the British College of Osteopathic Medicine, London, UK with 1st Class Honours.
- In 2005 moved to New Zealand gaining invaluable experience in a rural practice seeing a huge variety of patients.
- 2010 he moved to Australia to focus on the treatment of babies and children
- For the past 10 years he has been passing his knowledge on to other osteopaths by teaching at universities in Australia and New Zealand and through post graduate academies.
- This led to the foundation of Kindred Academy in 2016 and Parent Be in 2017 so these teachings could become accessible outside of the osteopathic world.